Saturday, April 5, 2014

Packaging Design Inspiration

Happy Saturday everyone! This week is all about my packaging design pinspiration. Follow the link to my design pinterest board or continue reading for my top choices. We're going to discuss the pros and cons of some of my favorite packaging designs. 

Double Cross
   Here is a design that has the whole package, the bottle is beautiful, the logo meets all my requirements, it's tactile, and it has a neat story. 
   The founders of Double Cross, Malcolm Lloyd and John Gellner, spent four years researching and touring Eastern Europe stopping at every distillery along the way. Their journey ended in the Slovakian town of Stará Ľubovňa in the Tatra Mountains. The owners of the brand say that the inspiration for the bottle Owners of the brand state that the inspiration for the Double Cross name came from the double cross symbol found in the Slovak flag and coat of arms and that the rectangular bottle is decorated with script which is lines of Slovak poetry

   The logo is based off of the Slovakian coat of arms that they have on their flag but as you can see, by comparison, they are not identical. The picture on the left shows a view of the bottle and a logo that appears to have a gradient but the actual logo does not have any shift in color. The logo is slightly raised, giving the bottle some tactile dimension, and it meets all of my requirements. The sticker shown in detail on the right is a beautiful mix of complex graphic elements that appears to have an overall clean design. 
   Wow, just check it out! What a beautiful bottle, it's quite different from a lot of the vodka bottles that are out there, and everything on the bottle reflects its history. 
That's Neat
   They must be doing something right, in 2008, Double Cross won a gold medal for taste and a gold medal for package design at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

   (Milagro loosely translates to miracle) "It would be wrong to create a tequila like Milagro and not make a bottle to match its distant character. Beautifully  crafted from artisan glass. Tall and proud instead of short and squat."(quoted from Milagro's website) How true it is and what an amazing concept to have a hand-blown agave plant in each bottle of their Milagro Select Barrel Reserve. 
   The logo (above) has no real icon but consists of the company name and loosely translates to "legend of the miracle." Everything is written in a semi-handwritten font that does not work on the neck of the bottle, which is tall and skinny, and the logo is just too wide for the bottle. 
   The label at the bottom of the bottle is designed beautifully, from the clean sans-serif font to the overall color of each different flavor. 

Dashfire Bourbon Bitters
   Dashfire Bitters Co. was created by Lee Egbert who traveled around Asia where he developed a love for the spices and recipes that he found on his travels. His interest in tinctures, their history, and the idea that each bottle is unique and filled with the best ingredients.
   Their logo consists of the company name in a beautiful sans-serif font. I really respond to the way they broke up the name by using a thicker almost serif f on the right side of the h.
   This style has to be my favorite source for inspiration. I love the combination of vintage and modern from the old fashion layout and concept design to the modern clean fonts. This bottle has such a striking look, it holds a lot of information, but it also has a very clean look.

Thanks for the reads this week, check out my design pinspiration, and let me hear you! Comment, share, or tweet me! Come on people get out there and use your knowledge; create something.
