Saturday, March 29, 2014

Branding and Sustainability

Hello one and all, I hope this fine Saturday finds you in good form : ) I want to talk about a few concepts that are closely tied to packaging design and throw in a little marketing while I'm at it.

1.Logo Design

Logo Design
   You can't have packaging without a logo, or a company, or a brand. All of these things are connected, as in you can't have one without the other. To create an effective logo you have to start with the company. What does your company do? What is special about your company? How do you want your audience to view your company? These are questions that will kickstart the design process and help you in creating a rockstar logo. This is a little review of logo design from my post about logos.

So here are my four "must haves" when it comes to great logos designs.

Branding and Sustainability
   Now a logo is all fine and dandy but you can't just slap a logo on a bottle and expect it to make you legendary. The logo is the jumping off point, from there you can create, and expand on your company by using the concept of branding. Branding is strategic, it expresses the values, and personality of a particular company. Think of branding as the face of the company, what people think about when they see the logo, or what they
think of when they hear about it. 
   Take Heineken for example, their latest branding campaign features Daniel Craig, the current James Bond. This creates a killer vibe for the brand, the bad boy routine, and come on, what man doesn't want to be James Bond. Their commercials feature Craig in his Bond persona, escaping from trouble, causing trouble, and saving the day.  How does he end his day? That's right he grabs a Heineken. 

   Now here's something to wrap your brain around, Heineken has been around since 1873; that's 141 years. Now look at the label, does that look like a dusty 141 year old label, no. That's because Heineken understands the concept of Sustainability. 
   They have a central logo, the name and the red star, and yet the labels have changed over the years. They understand that trends come and go, that visual tastes change, and that the quality of design is always increasing. People get bored when things stay the same; a great company understands that, and they are able to develop campaigns that adapt the logos to current ideas.

Well, thanks for the reads this week, as always I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and findings. Have a great and responsible weekend! : ) Go forth and Create!

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